Lithuania – Lithuanian Girls

How are girls in Lithuania?

Everything about Lithuanian girls …

How are girls in Lithuania - Lithuanian Girls

How Are Lithuanian Girls? describes Lithuanian girls as GORGEOUS. They are tall, blonde (usually), slim, flat-assed, highly attractive, and good natured. Lithuanian girls are also known for being polite and well-mannered. To foreigners they tend to be a bit reserved and shy at the beginning. Lithuanian girls are very proud about their country. The vast majority of them is very patriotic. They celebrate their culture, language and history a lot. Lithuanian girls are very loyal to their families. Most girls and young women from Lithuania are well-educated and fully up-to-date with what’s happening in the rest of the world. Kind and loving, they are open to other cultures and know how to express warmth and genuine interest in other people.

Lithuanian girls are rather calm, and not that active in conversations. They show their hot temper only to people they know closer.

Lithuania is a Catholic country, so be aware that thinking and lifestyle of Lithuanian girls can be very conservative. Religion and churches are still a very important part of Lithuanian culture. The capital Vilnius is full with beautiful churches. You might get the impression in the the city center there is a church behind every corner.

If you found descent Lithuanian girl and already dating her, don’t hurry her to move your relations to the bed as quick as possible (source: here).

Lithuanian Girls Have Beautiful Faces And Hair rated the faces of Lithuanian girls to the most beautiful in the Baltics. The author writes: “Estonian women shine yet again, with wonderful cheekbones and bright blue eyes (well over 50% of the Estonian population have light eyes), but I have to give top prize to Lithuanian girls. Their faces reminded me of Argentina in the amount of cosmic beauty they contained. Some of the most beautiful women in the world I’ve seen have been from Lithuania.”

Also the hair of the Lithuanian girls is rated the best among the Baltic nations: “Lithuanian women, however, have extraordinary long hair.”

Source: here

Lithuanian Girls Go Crazy For Long Hair

Lithuanian girls go so crazy for long hair, they even have have their own competiton of which girl has the longest hair. In November 2017 an Australian website reported about the event in Lithuanias second biggest city Kaunas, and published a lot of interesting photos.

See photos and read the article: here!

Extremely Tall And Beautiful Lithuanian Girls

The best words about Lithuanian girls also can be found on the blog here. The first thing he noticed about Lithuanian girls was that they’re extremely beautiful. The best way to describe them would be to say that they’re some kind of a cross between Ukrainian and Russian with a touch of Scandinavian mixed in. There were times during his stay in Lithuania when he literally thought that almost every girl there could be a supermodel. Lithuanian girls are also extremely feminine and know how to dress when going out.

They’re also tall. Extremely tall. They’re one of the tallest girls he has seen everywhere.

Video of dancing Lithuanian girls.

Lithuanian Girls Are Not That Feminine As Russian Or Ukrainian Girls

Although Lithuania was part of the Sovietunion, the lifestyle today is very Western. And so are the girls. They are becoming more and more Westernized. Which means they are less feminine. This was the only negative statement in the Mavericktraveler Blog about Lithuanian girls.

How To Date Lithuanian Girls

Traditionally, nightclubs were the most popular place to purposefully seek for a person to date, especially for one night stands and short-term affairs. However, the majority of families in Lithuania are made by people who met their spouse somewhere in their lives, e.g. school, university or workplace (source: here).

How To Pick Up Lithuanian Girls

This happens when a guy from Ecuador tries to pick up a Lithuanian girl in Vilnius:

His strategy is to ask for the way to a certain street. In the second step he already asks for the contact details.

That’s all. The video is quite short, and there are only two girls included in the video who both gave their contact details. Not very creative or exciting, I just thought I should add to complete the collection.

The second video has more content. It’s from the English dating coach James Tusk.

He starts like this: “Excuse me, do you speak English?” and then asks her about her accent, if she is from South Africa. A casual conversation developed, which is a bit hard to follow because the sound quality is not the best when the girl is talking. The experiment in this video is how far he can go to chase her away. The Lithuanian girl was running away when he started to talk about sex and a threesome. He pushed it a bit too far. But before the discussion of them was quite nice and relaxed.

Next video from “Dating Doctors”. The video looks a bit staged. It starts the classic way: “Hey, I saw you, you are cute!”, and at the end of the video he got his date. On a Wednesday. The first part of the video was a bit artificial, staged, but at the end it might have been authentic. The Lithuanian girl was friendly and funny.

Conclusion of all 3 videos: all 4 Lithuanian girls in the videos were friendly and talkactive. The only time it was not successful was because the man pushed it too far by talking about unusual sex practices. But as long the conversation was normal, no Lithuanian girl was dismissive or stuck up.

How To Impress Lithuanian Girls?

If you want to impress Lithuanian girls you need to put a significant emphasis on appearance. Dress well, make sure that you hair and facial hair is neatly groomed. If you are well dressed and well mannered you find it much easier to impress the local beauties of Lithuania. Also, be curious about her own country because Lithuanian girls tend to be very patriotic and proud of their history. An educated Lithuanian girls always enjoys explaining the history of her country (source: here).

Talk about basketball! Lithuanian girls love basketball. It’s the most popular sport in Lithuania. Much more popular than football or ice hockey (source: here).

Talk Lithuanian! Lithuania is rather small compared to the rest of the world, so if you are a foreigner who is able to talk her native language, you can be sure to impress her a lot.

Which Foreign Men Are The Most Popular Among Lithuanian Girls?

The conclusion of this video: Lithuanian girls like foreign men, but they do not adore them. The Lithuanian girls in the video dated English, German and Italian men. To the question if Indian men are an option, one girl in the video said: “No, they are too dark.”

A lot of girls in the video adore men from their own country. So the competition for foreign men in Lithuania is quite high.

As far as I know the most popular foreign man for a Lithuanian girl is someone from the United Kingdom. Because they like to live and work there.

Dating Phrases in Lithuanian

So to make a beginning in talking Lithuanian to impress a Lithuanian girl, here are some useful phrases for beginners:

Hello – Labas
How are you? – Kaip gyveni? or Kaip sekasi?
I’m fine thanks – Aciu, gerai
I’m English – Aš esu iš Anglijos
Do you speak English? – Ar jūs kalbate angliškai?
What is your name? – Koks tavo vardas?
My name is – Mano vardas
Pleased to meet you – Malonu susipažinti
Sorry/excuse me – Atsiprašau
Yes – Taip
No – Ne
Please – Prašau
Thank you – Dekoju
You’re welcome – Prašom
Good – Geras
I don’t understand – Aš nesuprantu
Goodbye – Viso gero

Lithuanian Girls And Online Dating

Lithuania is not the worst country in the world for online dating, if you are a man seeking for a Lithuanian girl. In the online dating survey of, Lithuanian girls are on the 22th place of 60 countries in the world ranking how easy to meet in real life through an online dating website. 42% of Lithuanian girls at online dating websites reply to a message at least once. The possibility of meeting a Lithuanian girl from an online dating website in real life is 21,56%. This is the 6th best result in Europe!

The favourite topic of Lithuanian girls at online dating websites are conversations about everyday life. They are not so exicited to chat about their education or their profession.

The Myth About Lithuanian Girls

A blog reveals the myth about Lithuanian girls here. In 2011 the female author from Lithuania wrote: “Most of foreigners who come to Lithuania think that here they can buy any girl they want. And they are honestly surprised when they realize that it’s myth…”

The female author of this article lives in Vilnius, and she tells about her experience:

Once me and my friend were walking in the old town of Vilnius. A  foreign guy came by and started to talk to her and invited her to have coffee with him. My friend told that she was not interested, but the guy was very persistent. We tried to ignore him, but he followed us for about an hour! He just followed us! My friend honestly didn’t know what to do, so she called her boyfriend and we went to his office. The clingy foreigner followed us until we entered the building. Thanks god he didn’t entered it, because my friend’s boyfriend was ready to have with him serious conversation…

Another example of foreigners’ opinion about Lithuanian girls. A few years ago I met a guy. He was not Lithuanian, but temporally lived in Vilnius. We went on dates a few times. And one evening he got very angry because I didn’t sleep with him. He said something about how he paid for pizza and wine… WTF? Seriously? You thought that you can buy me for food???

How To Make Lithuanian Girls Angry?

Tell her how much you love Russia, and the idea of communism. Be sure that your sympathy level will drop to zero.

8 Things You Should Never Do To Lithuanian Girls

  • punch them
  • ask if Lithuania is a part of Russia
  • ask them if they only drink vodka
  • confuse Lithuania with Poland
  • say that Lithuanians and Russians are the same
  • mess around with their national basketball team
  • be loud in public transport
  • give two kisses (better shake hands or hug instead)

Source: here

Lithuanian Girls And Politics

Lithuanian girls are very patriotic. They love their country and their culture, but they are also very open to other cultures from abroad.

But what I have been told by Lithuanians, Lithuanian girls are not very interested in politics when it comes to elections. If they vote, they choose their candidates by looks or sympathy, not because of the political program.

The Relationship Status Of Lithuanian Girls

In Lithuania, dating is less accentuated than in some Western societies, as the number of lifetime partners (including sexual partners) is much lower among the Lithuanians. However, with no “arranged marriages”, Lithuania has more dating than most Eastern societies.

The majority of Lithuanian couples and families are formed through a rather slow relationship transformation from that of classmates, co-workers, friends or otherwise into that of a boyfriend and girlfriend. However, there is also an active “dating scene” where casual relations are practiced (source: here).

8% of Lithuanian girls between 40 and 44 years have no children. 18% of Lithuanian girls do not want to create an own family (source: here).

The Sex Life Of Lithuanian Girls

The average Lithuanian girl has only 3 different sexual partners in her lifetime. Catholic religion is very strong and important in Lithuania, and therefore sex life very conservative (source: here).

Sexual Harassment & Domestic Violence

In 2012 the Lithuanian police recorded 30.000 reports of domestic violence against Lithuanian girls, which led to 9.900 investigations. Surveys indicate that 56 percent of divorced girls in Lithunia and 15 percent of married Lithuanian girls have suffered from domestic violence.

Existing rape statistics are very poor in Lithuania and do not include data about marital rape. In the National Strategy on Reduction of Violence Against Women 2007-2009 the government identified the invisibility of marital rape in Lithuania as a result of deeply-rooted traditions regarding women’s domestic obligations. While the Criminal Code does not explicitly mention “marital” or “spousal” rape in Article 149, it does not exclude marital rape, nor does it allow marriage as a defense for rape (source: here).

In the world rape statistics Lithuania takes the 55th rank of 119 countries. The amount of rapes per 100.000 citizens are 6,3. Rapes in Lithuania were decreasing between 2003 and 2009. Since 2010 they are rising again (source: here).

In a survey of the European Union following data were published here: 11 percent of Lithuanian girls experienced sexual harassment by their current partner, 31 percent by their previous partner, and 16 percent by strangers. Lithuanian girls take the 23th place of 28 countries in the sexual harassment ranking of the European Union.

Violence Against Lithuanian Girls

11% of Lithuanian girls experience violence during the relationship through their partners. 31% of them through their previous partners (source: here).

Lithuanian Girls As Stalking Victims

8% of Lithuanian girls experienced stalking since the age of 15 years. 0% of them in the past 12 months (source: here).

A Negative Video About Lithuanian Girls …

How Lithuanian Girls Feel About The Dating Preferences Of Their Children

30%-39% of Lithuanian girls would feel comfortable if one of her children was in a relationship with a Black person

30%-39% of Lithuanian girls would feel comfortable if one of her children was in a relationship with an Asian person

20%-29% of Lithuanian girls would feel comfortable if one of her children was in a relationship with a Muslim

40%-49% of Lithuanian girls would feel comfortable if one of her children was in a relationship with a Jew

90%-100% of Lithuanian girls would feel comfortable if one of her children was in a relationship with a White person

20%-29% of Lithuanian girls would feel comfortable if one of her children was in a relationship with a Roma person

90%-100% of Lithuanian girls would feel comfortable if one of her children was in a relationship with a Christian person

80%-89% of Lithuanian girls would feel comfortable if one of her children was in a relationship with an Atheist person

21% of Lithuanian girls think that some races are born less intelligent than others

Sources:, and

How Lithuanian Girls Look Like?

Video of the top 15 of the most beautiful Lithuanian women.

Lithuanian drift girls.

Link gallery of famous Lithuanian girls

Giedre Dukauskaite from Vilnius – Supermodel

Jurgita Jurkutė from Plunge (Klaipeda region) – Miss Lithuania 2007

Edita Vilkeviciute from Kaunas – Supermodel

Edita Vilkeviciute from Kaunas – Supermodel

Katie Montana from Vilnius – Model

Copy and paste link URL in a new window to see

Baby Swabery from Kupiskis (Panevėžys region) – Model

Copy and paste link URL in a new window to see