Austria – Austrian Girls

How are girls in Austria?

Everything about Austrian girls …

Austrian Girls How are girls in Austria

How Are Austrian Girls?

In the Rooshvforum the user “Trainwreck” finds Austrian girls less masculine than Swiss girls, but still beaten by the German ones who he thinks are taller, skinnier, have better legs, and are more feminine. Another user writes that Austrian girls are among the coldest in Europe to outsiders.

Austrian Girls And Online Dating

According to the online dating study of Austrian girls are on the 32th rank of 60 countries in the study how easy to date them online. 36 percent replied on the first message, and 56 percent of those were ready to stay in contact for a longer time. The TAP (Total Acquaintance Probability) of meeting her in real life was 18,50% (highest value: 47,33%).

The favourite topics of Austrian girls in conversations through online dating websites are everyday life (48,96%) and travel (22,44%). They avoid talks about their preferences (8,16%) and about their job and education (8,16%).

Austrian Girls And Politics

Young Austrian girls, who just turned 18, are not very much interested into politics, compared to Austrian boys in the same age. Only 8 percent of Austrian girls who are allowed to vote for the first time are “very interested”, shows a study from 2017. In the last election the voting behaviour of the Austrian girls came closer to the results of the males. Females tended to vote more for Greens and Socialdemocrats in the past. Now they almost vote the same way as the men. Sebastian Kurz with his movement of the conservative Peoples Party, and the Freedom Party, got so many female votes in the last election as never before.

The Relationship Status Of Austrian Girls

One third of Austrias population lives alone. Single Austrian girls are usually without partner for a very long time. Every second Austrian girl who lives currently alone is single for more than 3 years. The desire of single Austrian girls to find a partner is low. They are fine with it, if they are involved in their family or if they have a lot of friends (

Austrian Girls Loves To Smoke

Austrian girls love smoking. Even more as the males. Especially when they are young. “It’s hard to meet a girl here who doesn’t smoke like a chimney. As a former smoker, it’s a real turn-off”, says British expat Chris on the website

Are Austrian Girls Boring?

Austrian women in one word: BLAND. This is written here: Looks like the author of this article was not very excited about Austrian girls. He also added that it is very difficult to find a wife in Austria: “The odds are not on your side. Inflated egos and self-esteem that touches the moon here.”

City Girls/Countryside Girls

There is a difference in Austrian girls from a city and from the countryside, confirms the same author. Austrian girls from the countryside are much more conservative as from the city. The Catholic religion is wide spread in Austria. This could be the reason for that.

How To Date Austrian Girls

DatingBeyondBorders shows us how NOT to date in Austria in the following video:

Don’ts if you want to date an Austrian girl
1st don’t be snobby
2nd don’t be macho
3rd don’t look on her breasts and bum
4th do not talk too much about yourself
5th don’t touch too soon
6th don’t pay for her on the first date
7th don’t ask questions about sexuality
8th don’t expect sex on the first date
9th don’t brag

Do if you want to date an Austrian girl
1st be funny
2nd make jokes
3rd be honest
4th be a gentleman
5th look into her eyes
6th pay for yourself on the first date

Another dating video for Austria is that one …

1st new wisdom in the video if date an Austrian girl: Don’t be late!
2nd new wisdom: expect her to be stubborn!
3rd new wisdom: don’t be jealous!
4th new wisdom: Austrian girls like to be independent. Respect it!
5th new wisdom: Don’t show too many emotions. Don’t be pushy!

Sexual Harassment

41% of all Austrian girls experienced sexual harassment, was the result of a survey in 2017. 3/4 of the offenders were drunk. The second largest offender group were men in leading positions.

In a survey of the European Union following data were published here: 3 percent of Austrian girls experienced sexual harassment by their current partner, 15 percent by their previous partner, and 12 percent by strangers.

Austrian girls take the 24th place of 28 countries in the sexual harassment ranking of the European Union.

In the world rape statistics Austria takes the 39th rank of 119 countries. The amount of rapes per 100.000 citizens are 10,4. Since 2008 rapes in Austria are dramatically increasing. (source: here).

Violence Against Austrian Girls

24% of Austrian girls experience violence during the relationship through their partners. 36% of them through their previous partners (source: here).

Austrian Girls As Stalking Victims

15% of Austrian girls experienced stalking since the age of 15 years. 6% of them in the past 12 months (source: here).

The Sex Life Of Austrian Girls

43% deny to use condoms when having sex, is written in the Global Sex Survey about Austrian girls. 23% don’t know if the sex partner has a STD.

The average number of sex partners for Austrian girls in a life time: 8.

41 percent of Austrian girls think that sex education should start in the age of 10 (source: here). 12 percent want sex education already in kindergarten. In fact Austrian girls receive their sex education with already 11 years and 9 months, shows this study. This is one of the lowest ages world wide!

1 percent of Austrian girls had unplanned pregnancy under 16 years. 2 percent between 17 and 18 years. 5 percent had an unplanned pregnancy older than 18 years. 7 percent of Austrian girls experienced a sexualy transmitted infection.

48 percent of Austrian girls are happy with their sex life. 9 percent claim to have a boring sex life, and 38 percent want to have more sex.

18 percent had an extra marital affair. 18 percent of Austrian girls already experienced sex with three persons. 15 percent have homosexual experience. 6 percent practice sado maso. 24 percent like bondages or masks. 43 percent use lubricant. 33 percent use a vibrator. 44 percent like anal sex. 56 percent are open for one night stands or already practiced it.

57 percent of Austrian girls had sex in the car. 29 percent in the bedroom of the parents. 37 percent in the garden. 29 percent on the toilet. 2 percent in an aeroplane. 6 percent in public transport. 38 percent in a park. 15 percent in a club. 12 percent at work. 32 percent on the beach. 6 percent at school. 7 percent infront of a camera. 12 percent in an alleyway, and 37 percent at a party.

Austrian girls have 105 times sex a year.

Which Foreign Men Are The Most Popular Among Austrian Girls?

Austrian girls mainly marry foreign men from neighbouring countries such as Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, as well as from ex-Yugoslavia and Turkey. A smaller portion of foreign grooms also come from Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary (source:

Austrian Girls And Having Children

50 percent of Austrian girls want to have more children as they have indeed, is the result of this survey. Austrian men are more motivated to have kids, than their female partners. 95 percent of Austrian girls who are younger than 30 years, only want to have children in a stable relationship. The importance of a stable relationship about becoming a baby decreases with the age. In the age between 30 and 49 years, only 51 percent of Austrian girls claim that a stable relationship is important for that.

48 percent of Austrian girls in the age between 18 and 49 years have at least one child. But the decision of getting pregnant is usually made after the 30th year of age (76%). Only 24 percent of Austrian girls became pregnant when they were younger as 30 years.

73 percent of Austrian girls who have no children, would like to have one.

75 percent of Austrian girls support the right of abortion (source:

How Austrian Girls Feel About The Dating Preferences Of Their Children

50%-59% of Austrian girls would feel comfortable if one of her children was in a relationship with a Black person

50%-59% of Austrian girls would feel comfortable if one of her children was in a relationship with an Asian person

40%-49% of Austrian girls would feel comfortable if one of her children was in a relationship with a Muslim

60%-69% of Austrian girls would feel comfortable if one of her children was in a relationship with a Jew

90%-100% of Austrian girls would feel comfortable if one of her children was in a relationship with a White person

40%-49% of Austrian girls would feel comfortable if one of her children was in a relationship with a Roma person

90%-100% of Austrian girls would feel comfortable if one of her children was in a relationship with a Christian person

80%-89% of Austrian girls would feel comfortable if one of her children was in a relationship with an Atheist person

12% of Austrian girls think that some races are born less intelligent than others

Sources:,, and

How Austrian Girls Look Like?

Here is a link gallery of famous Austrian girls

Franziska Weisz from Vienna – Actress

Anna Veith from Hallein in Salzburg – Ski Racer

Crystal Klein from Eisenstadt in Burgenland – Model

Bianca Schwarzjirg from Vienna – TV Host

Nadine Leopold from Wolfsberg in Carinthia – Model

Sonja Kirchberger from Vienna – Actress

Mirjam Weichselbraun from Innsbruck in Tyrol – TV Host